第23题: [单项选择]单因素方差分析的备择假设是() A. 各对比组样本均数相等 B. 各对比组总体均数相等 C. 至少有两个对比组总体均数相等 D. 各对比组总体均数不等 E. 各对比组总体均数不全相等 参考答案:E
第24题: [单项选择]A. check an address
B. book a table
C. make an appointment
D. sell something
E. place an order
F. cancel a meeting
G. congratulate someone
H. offer a lift
参考答案:I 答案解析:Woman: Are you going to Head Office on Tuesday If you are, do you want to go with me I could pick