第1题: [单项选择]患者,女性,34岁,无明显诱因出现左下腹部疼痛,伴恶心呕吐。无停经史。查体:急症面容,脸色苍白,血压110/70mmHg,下腹有压痛和反跳痛,移动性浊音(-),体温38.5℃,血HCG正常,血白细胞升高。该患者手术中,于脐周左侧腹部又发现两个囊性畸胎瘤,请问超声误诊的主要原因是()。 A. 操作者检查不细致 B. 患者疼痛不配合 C. 新发现的囊性畸胎瘤较小 D. 新发现的囊性畸胎瘤回声不典型 E. 经阴道超声探头频率较高,探查深度不够 参考答案:E
第7题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. Find a quiet place to study. B. Change the conditions of his room. C. Find a more comfortable place to study. D. Avoid distractions while studying in his room. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]
M:You know,I’ve been studying regularly,but I’m still not doing well in my history class.