[分析] 测试样品是否合格需要对样品进行检查,检查的方法可以为普查或抽样检查,对于样品较多且抽取其中的部分可代表整体的可采取抽样检查的方法。
第33题: [单项选择]胰腺疾病与胆管疾病相互关联的解剖学基础是( )
A. 胰腺炎或胰腺癌肿压迫胆总管所致
B. 主胰管和胆总管共同通路或共同开口
C. 均受肝脏胆汁分泌的影响
D. 主胰管与胆总管分别开口于十二指肠
E. 主胰管与胆总管汇合形成十二指肠乳头
答案解析:[解析] 主胰管近端多与胆总管汇合成壶腹,共同开口于十二指肠乳头。当胆总管下段梗阻或Oddi括约肌痉挛时,可引起胆汁逆流入胰管,引起胰腺损害。
第34题: [单项选择]如果一个存储单元能存放一个字节,则容量为32KB的存储器中的存储单元个数是()。
A. 3200
B. 32768
C. 32767
D. 65536
第35题: [多项选择]Can you tell me how important you think imports or exports are to China Why
参考答案:Suggested answers:
a.In my opinion, both imports and exports are important to China. As we all know, there is no country in the world that can produce all the necessary things it needs. China needs to purchase advanced technology and equipment so as to speed up its modernization drive. China also needs to import some raw materials. Countries should complement each other. Foreign trade helps supply each other’s needs.
b.Export is essential to China. If we don’t export products, we will not have enough foreign exchange to purchase advanced technology and equipment. Export is important in that we export to get the necessary foreign currency to pay for things we need but cannot supply ourselves, or cannot supply adequately to meet the demands of our people and the needs of our national reconstruction.
c.Export is important to China. Without export, there can be no guarantee of fulfilling China’s import plan. Export can help China obtain adequate foreign exchange to purchase the necessary raw materials; advanced technology and equipment badly needed for her modernization drive. Therefore, export is virtually the foundation of China’s foreign trade.
d.Import is necessary. China needs to import advanced technology and equipment. However, export is also necessary. China’s main source of her foreign exchange income comes from the proceeds of export trade, which accounts for about H0% of the total foreign exchange income, while tourism, overseas Chinese remittance, shipping, insurance and other non-trade income accounts for B0%.
e.No country can produce all the things they need. Foreign trade is indispensable to the developing countries. China is no exception. Import and export are important to China. When foreign capital in the form of investment and government loans can be obtained, they will be repaid mostly by export proceeds. In order to absorb more foreign funds, China must increase exports.
f.It goes without saying import is important to China. China needs to import many things. Complementary things go well together. Exporting industrial products makes China’s products enter into competition with foreign products in the international market. Competition can prompt the enterprises to improve the quality and increase the variety of their products, and to upgrade their product structure, thereby contributing to the technical transformation and restructuring of the industrial production.
g.On the whole, export will promote industrial production. Export agricultural products can increase farmers’ per capita income and promote the development of diversified agricultural economy, thereby giving impetus to the further development of various trades in the rural economy. More export paves the way for more important, and by developing foreign trade, China can develop her national economy and realize her four modernization at a good pace. In short, foreign trade is indispensable to China. Expansion of exports is essential to developing foreign trade of a country.
答案解析:[解析] variety of the products各种产品。diversify使不同,使多样化。giving impetus to the development促进发展,推动发展。 compl
第36题: [单项选择]四肢血管MRA技术应用错误的是()
A. 首选方法为3D-CE-MRA,为目前最常用的
B. 其次为PC法,再次为TOF法
C. 其次为TOF法,再次为PC法
D. 3D-CE-MRA为目前最常用的
E. 采用超快速三维梯度回波序列3D-FISP
第37题:[填空题]未被平衡欠超高不应大于( ),困难情况下不应大于90 mm。
参考答案:75 MM
第38题:[单选题]已操作的操作票应注明( )字样
A. A.已操作