[单项选择]The Japanese staff complained to the American manager because ______. A. the American manager had lied to them B. the salary increases were insufficient C. most staff had not received salary increases D. there was a misunderstanding of the word "fair"
参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 推理判断题。文章第四段涉及了题干问及的事例,最后那个美国经理说道“It took me…to realize that fair,to my staff,meant being treate
第30题: [单项选择]肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤在B超和CT的表现分别为() A. B超较强回声,平扫CT值为正值 B. B超较低回声,平扫CT值为负值 C. B超较强回声,平扫CT值为负值 D. B超较低回声,平扫CT值为正值 E. B超为无回声,平扫CT值为负值 参考答案:C 答案解析:肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤是肾脏最常见的良性肿瘤,其特点为肿瘤组织内有较多的脂肪组织,在B超检查中表现为较强回声,而CT检查可见脂肪组织的低于水密度的病灶,通常CT值为负值。此特点是诊断肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤最主