第13题: [单项选择]A. Most of them came from northern Europe. B. Most of them had their dreams come true. C. Most of them had a very difficult life. D. Most of them lived in the Northern port cities. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] Which of the following statements is the best description of the early immigrants in the
第21题: [单项选择]糖耐量减低(IGT)定义为() A. 空腹血糖正常 B. 空腹血糖为6.0~7.0mmol/L C. 服糖后2小时血糖为7.8~11.1mmol/L D. 空腹血糖为6.0~7.0mmol/L,服糖后2小时血糖为7.8~11.1mmol/L E. 空腹血糖正常,服糖后2小时血糖为7.8~11.1mmol/L 参考答案:E 答案解析:糖耐量减低应具备下列3条:空腹血糖<7.8mmol/L;口服75g葡萄糖后2小时血糖为7.8~11.1mmol/L,口服75g葡萄糖后0.5小时、1小时、1.5小时三点中至少有一点血糖>11.1mmo