[单项选择]根据多集线器级联的100M以太网配置原则,下列哪种说法是错误的?() A. 必须使用100M或100M/10M自适应网卡 B. 必须使用100BASE-TX集线器 C. 可以使用3类以上UTP电缆 D. 整个网络的最大覆盖范围为205M
第1题: [多项选择]1. 你最好的朋友是个什么样子的人? 2. 你们如何成为好朋友的? My Best Friend 参考答案:[高分范文] I made many friends at university, but the friend I would like to tell you about is called Wang Ping. I met Wang Ping about two years ago at the university that we attended together, and we soon became friends. Our friendship has lasted to this day. Wang Ping is always friendly. She cares about her family and friends and is always willing to help others. I believe that Wang Ping has had a positive influence on my life since we have met. For example, I had much trouble with my English in my freshman year. Wang Ping helped me whenever she saw me frowning over my English exercise book. She told me many basic techniques to improve English and lent me many good books. By the end of the second semester, my English had improved a lot. So now you know why I regard Wang Ping as my best friend and will cherish our friendship forever. 答案解析:[评析] 从题目要求来看,考生要写一篇描写人物的描述文。对一个人物的描写,其范围可以包括人物的面貌、性格、行为举止或思想感情等。本文着重描写了朋友乐于助人的性格特征,并举例证实。
第10题: [单项选择]梁下部纵向受力钢筋接头位置宜设置在()。 A. 梁跨中 B. 梁支座 C. 距梁支座1/3处 D. 可随意设置 参考答案:C 答案解析:此题不难,对于理论知识扎实、具备一定工程实践经验的考生来说,属常识性知识,主要考核钢筋安装时纵向受力钢筋接头位置的知识点。我们知道,钢筋接头位置宜设置在受力较小处。对于连续梁、板的上部钢筋接头位置宜设
第11题: [单项选择]传导性失语多见于什么部位的损伤() A. 大脑中动脉 B. 大脑后动脉 C. 弓状束 D. 大脑前动脉 E. 以上都错 参考答案:C 答案解析:传导性失语多见于侧颞叶峡部、岛叶皮质下的弓状束和联络纤维部位的损伤。
第16题:[单选题] The notice made the visitors( ). A. more interested in his house B. lose interested in his house C. angry at the price D. feel happy about the house 参考答案:A
第17题: [单项选择]冬半年比斯开湾航线海况十分恶劣,经常可以遇到10m以上大浪,这是因为()。 A. 冬半年北大西洋低纬海域为狂风恶浪区 B. 湾口对着大西洋,当波浪传入后,水深变深,波高剧增 C. 因狭管效应,从北岸流入南岸流出的海流又进一步使波高增大 D. 湾口对着大西洋,当波浪传入后,水深变浅,波高剧增 参考答案:D
第35题: [单项选择]尿毒症使用透析疗法的指征是()。 A. 肌酐(Cr)>884μmol/L(10mg/dl) B. Cr>762μmol/L(8mg/dl) C. Cr>652μmol/L(7mg/dl) D. Cr>542μmol/L(6mg/dl) E. Cr>462μmol/L(5mg/dl) 参考答案:A 答案解析:尿毒症使用透析疗法的指征是Cr>884μmol/L(10mg/dl)。