第7题: [单项选择](15—19题共用题干)
23岁妇女,停经10周,阴道不规则流血10余天,量不多暗红色,血中伴有小水泡物,妇科检查:BPl40/90mmHg,子宫前烦,如孕4个月大,两侧附件可触到鹅卵大、囊性、活动良好、表面光滑的肿物。患者经治疗后即将出院,护士应告知其避孕时间为 A. 1年 B. 2年 C. 3年 D. 4年 E. 5年 参考答案:B
第18题: [单项选择]How was the man recently What can be learned about the woman’s boss A. He likes to blame his employees. B. He often dismisses his employees. C. He is strict with himself in his work. D. He is very humorous. 参考答案:C