第19题: [单项选择]患儿,7岁,2周前曾有发热、咽痛,近3天来水肿、尿少,血压16/11kPa(120/83mmHg)。尿常规:尿蛋白(++),RBC(++)/高倍视野,WBC5~7个/高倍视野,上皮细胞0~5个/高倍视野。血常规:Hb106g/L,WBC8×109/L,N0.62,L0.38。下列哪项检查无必要() A. 尿培养 B. C3测定 C. ASO测定 D. 血沉 E. 血清尿素氢 参考答案:A
第21题: [单项选择]According to the author, Frankenstein parts from the traditional figure of the overreacher in A. (A) his exaggerated will B. (B) his atypical purpose C. (C) the excesses of his method D. (D) the inevitability of his failure E. (E) his defiance of the deity 参考答案:B 答案解析:The concluding paragraph distinguishes Frankenstein from the other overreachers in his desire not to