第4题: [单项选择]保险,是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任或者当保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 根据上述定义,下列不属于保险行为的是( )。 A. 为保证合同的履行事先支付一定钱款 B. 职工为退休以后生计有保障而预先每月支付工资中的一部分钱 C. 为防止房产被毁坏而定期交给保险公司一部分钱 D. 人寿保险 参考答案:A 答案解析:A项所述是保证行为,而非保险行为。故正确答案为A。
第5题: [单项选择]继承人在遗产处理前没有作出放弃或接受继承表示的,视为( )。 A. 放弃继承 B. 接受继承 C. 丧失继承权 D. 转继承 参考答案:B 答案解析:[考点] 继承权放弃的方式
[解析] 继承法第25条规定:“继承开始后,继承人放弃继承的,应当在遗产处理前,作出放弃继承的表示,没有表示的,视为接受继承。受遗赠人应当在知道受遗赠后两个月内,作出接受
第20题: [简答题]假设你将参加某英语杂志社开展的一次征文活动,征文的内容要求你在电视、手机(cell) 和网络三者中,放弃其中一个并陈述理由。请你以“Which would you give up:TV,cell,or Web”为题,写一篇英语短文。 注意:1.词数在100词左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考答案:
We are now living in an information age,in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used.It seems that many people cannot lead a happy life without them.
However, If I had to give up one of them,I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Internet.I could do without TV because few shows take my fancy and there’re too many commercials.Besides,most programs on TV are also available on the Internet.
As for cells and the Web, they are more necessary to me.I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family.and the Internet is much more powerful,almost all information can be gathered on the Interact.