第26题: [单项选择]16名羽毛球运动员参加单打比赛,两两成对进行淘汰赛,请问决出冠军一共要比赛多少场( ) A. 13场 B. 14场 C. 16场 D. 15场 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 16名运动员两两进行淘汰赛,共需8场比赛,这轮共决出8名胜者,8名胜者参加下一轮比赛,两两进行淘汰赛,共有4场比赛,决出4名胜者进入下一轮比赛,再两两进行淘汰赛,共有2场比赛,决出两名胜者,
A. Because their jobs are too boring. B. Because they want to enjoy more spare time. C. Because they want to make their jobs more interesting. D. Because they demand shorter working hours. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 根据最后一段:But perhaps they want more money only because the work they do is so boring。选项B说:Because