第27题: [单项选择]When the demand for facial tissues increased, the supply ______. A. was not stopped B. became more competitive C. remained unchanged D. was increased to keep up with the demand 参考答案:D 答案解析:本题为细节辨认题。第二段第三句“…manufacturers began making tissues in larger and larger quantities.”,即“厂商开始提高纸巾的产量”
第29题: [单项选择]男性,50岁,因哮喘急性重度发作已持续3天前来急诊。下列处理欠妥的是() A. 静脉滴注氢化可的松 B. β2受体激动剂吸入 C. 缓慢(不少于30分钟)静脉注射氨茶碱0.25~0.375g,继以静脉滴注维持,24小时不超过1.0g D. 大量补液,24小时不少于4000~5000ml E. 胸片、心电图、动脉血气分析、峰流速等检查 参考答案:D