第17题: [单项选择]He ______ a book, and now he needs a holiday. A. has been writing B. was writing C. will write D. wrote 参考答案:A 答案解析:此题旨在检测动词现在完成时的使用方法。现在完成时可以用于把过去的动作和现在的结果联系起来,用于解释原因,如: He had gone to Shanghai,and is not-at ho
第23题: [单项选择]有位中年妇女,一次在公共汽车上突然感到胸闷、心慌、心跳加速、出冷汗、十分难受。她赶快下车到附近医院就诊。经检查没有发现有异常指标。从此她再也不敢乘公共汽车,因为她认为以后只要乘公共汽车就肯定会出现曾经发生过的身体不适,害怕突然发病来不及抢救而丧命。她的这种功能失调性的想法称为( ) A. 非黑即白 B. 以偏概全 C. 过度引申 D. 主观臆断 E. 夸大、缩小 参考答案:C
第38题: [单项选择]What can be inferred about Susan from the news item A. She is a plain-looking woman. B. Her performance for the audition is not very good. C. She doesn’t treat life very seriously. D. She is an unconventional person. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 细节题。对生活认真的Susan虽然长相平庸,但是在视唱中表现出色。原文包括“With her plain Jane, middle-aged looks and her no-nonsens