第17题: [多项选择]甲出售一批货物给乙,双方约定送货上门,甲又与丙签订运输合同,由丙负责送货,支付运费6000元;货物在运输途中遇到泥石流,全部灭失。根据合同法律制度的规定,下列说法正确的有( )。 A. 甲的行为构成违约 B. 货物灭失的风险由乙承担 C. 甲有权要求丙返还运费 D. 丙应当赔偿甲货物灭失的损失 参考答案:A,C 答案解析:[解析] (1)选项A:由于双方合同中约定的交付方式为“送货上门”,货未送达即未交付,构成违约,只不过该违约行为是由不可抗力引起的,可以免除违约责任;(2)选项B:货物尚未交付,风险由出卖人(甲)承担
第27题: [单项选择]According to the author, research into the influence of geography and climate should______. A. focus on some unknown aspects B. go much deeper C. be pursued on a larger scale D. be carried out within a larger scope 参考答案:C 答案解析:测试作者的态度。答题依据在文章第四段"the influence of climate and geography should be studied in depth.”在该句中,in depth为