第21题: [单项选择]《素问·评热病论》中的“劳风”病;其形成的机理是() A. 素体气虚,感受风邪 B. 劳累汗出,感受风邪 C. 风犯太阳,营卫不和 D. 房事过度,汗出浴水而受风 E. 以上都是 参考答案:B
第22题: [单项选择]What is suggested for your investment A. Distributing your money among different companies. B. Investigating the company before investment. C. Don’t invest all your money. D. Comparing different companies before investment. 参考答案:B 答案解析:同义替换。根据原文“It would be a good idea to look into the company before you invest all your money.”,译文为:在你