第7题: [单项选择]` A. When they get their meals. B. By the end of the week. C. When they get the card. D. By the end of every month. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]
When do the students pay for the meals they contract for
第8题: [单项选择]The winners of the reported elections are______. A. the left-wing Conservatives. B. the left-wing Socialists. C. the centre-right Conservatives. D. the centre-right Socialists. 参考答案:B
第32题: [单项选择]以下行业中不属于自然垄断行业的是( )。 A. 电力 B. 通信业 C. 制造业 D. 自来水 参考答案:C 答案解析:在电力、煤气、自来水、通信及运输产业中,由于规模经济效益十分显著,由一个或少数几个企业向特定地区或向全国市场提供产品或服务,形成自然垄断,既可以避免重复投资,又可以发挥规模经济的作用。