[单项选择]Why does the man want the women to find someone to cover Tom A. Because Tom is on holiday at home. B. Because Tom is on business. C. Because Tom is ii
参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] M: Mary, can you find someone to cover Tom He is sick at home. F: OK. Can I find a girl
第24题: [单项选择]患者,男性,35岁,嵌顿性疝,经手法复位,护士应特别注意观察 A. 生命体征 B. 腹部症状、体征 C. 尿量 D. 神志 E. 腹部皮肤有无破损 参考答案:B 答案解析:少数嵌顿性疝可试行手法复位。方法为让患者头低足高卧位,注射解痉止痛药物,手法挤压疝块,将疝内容物还纳回腹腔。复位后严密观察腹部情况,如有腹膜炎或肠梗阻表现,应立即手术探查。