第7题: [多项选择]1. 如何理解这个成语 2. 试举例说明 As a Man Sows, So He Shall Reap
参考答案:范文: [A] "As a man sows, so he shall reap" is universally accepted--the result of people’s endeavor is usually detided by how much efforts they have paid. [B]The less we pay, the less we could benefit. [C]Only through un-tiring efforts could we achieve more in study and career as well. [D] The saying is true of any pursuit man seeks. [E]A student’s achievements are to the greatest extent attributed to the efforts paid in study. [F]However, idleness could only result in failure and frustration. [G] Scientists could only be rewarded after countless sleepless nights doing numerous experiments. [H]Those athletes who spare no efforts in practice would have more chances for championship regardless of all the sweat and injuries. [I]In a word, success and sacrifice always go hand in hand. [A0]We should remember this firmly as a motto, for it involves a plain yet philosophical moral. 答案解析:[分析] [1]用破折号引出对谚语的解释。 [2][3]用"the+比较级,the+比较级"和"Only+状语+倒装句”两个亮点句型进一步阐释谚语的内涵。 [5][7][8]举了学生
第8题: [单项选择]关于鼻咽癌的检查方法,以下说法错误的是() A. MRI显示肿瘤复发优于CT B. MRI在显示肿瘤的深部软组织侵犯范围优于CT C. MRI在观察早期颅底骨质破坏优于CT D. 普通X线摄像可显示深部软组织肿物 E. B超可显示颈部转移淋巴结 参考答案:D 答案解析:鼻咽癌X线检查包括颅底摄片及鼻咽部造影检查,有助于了解颅底骨质有无破坏,但此技术有一定局限性,不能反映出肿瘤咽旁浸润蔓延的情况。
第14题: [单项选择]如果购买固定资产的价款超过正常信用条件延期支付的,实质上具有融资性质,下列说法中正确的是( )。 A. 固定资产成本以购买价款的现值为基础确定 B. 固定资产成本以公允价值为基础确定 C. 实际支付的价值与购买价款的现值之间的差额,在信用期内平均摊销 D. 实际支付的价值与购买价款的现值之间的差额,在信用期内按同期银行存款利率摊销 参考答案:A 答案解析:实际支付的价值与购买价款的现值之间的差额,在信用期内按实际利率摊销。