第27题: [多项选择]How do you see flextime Is it important or not Why
参考答案:Suggested answers:
a.Multiple approaches are useful whether internal, external, or dualistic assumptions concerning the origins of motivation are believed the most plausible. Flextime serves as one of the many possible multiple approaches in business doing. Many firms and government agencies in the world are adopting flextime. Whether right or wrong, it depends on how to use it on a specific occasion.
b.The concept of flextime is simple. A flexible one replaces a fixed schedule of a beginning time and an ending time for the workday. Flextime is important in business doing. It is being spread in the firms around the world.
c.Flextime is very useful. The flexible approach entails two different types of work times during the day: (A) a base or core time when all workers must be present, and (B) the flexible time before and after the core time, when most workers may choose to arrive and when to depart. Each employee’s core time plus his flexible time must add up to the required number of work hours established for each pay accounting period.
d.Experience with the flextime concept reveals both a number of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages for the employee are that: (A) he may set his own work schedule to meet personal needs; (B) he may choose a schedule that avoids traffic congestion and thus reduces commuting time; (C) he avoids the psychological stress resulting from concern over arriving at the work place at a set time; and (D) an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect between the worker and the employer is created.
e.The advantages for the employer appear to be that: (A) absenteeism is reduced; (B) production is increased; (C) with mutual agreement between the employee and the employer, adjustment of work schedules can accommodate fluctuations in work loads; (D) since personal needs are otherwise provided for, the employee’s work day is uninterrupted; (E) more effective communications occur among employees during the core time; (F) better delegations of assignments and authority are made to subordinates; (G) more good applicants for jobs are available (e. g. , working mothers); and (H) personnel turnover is reduced.
f.There are disadvantages to flextime, especially for the employers. For example, flextime results in higher utility costs because of the longer hours of operation. Also, some key staff members may be needed but unavailable at certain times. Time record keeping becomes more complicated. In some instances, union-management relations may be more difficult because issues raised by flextime may be difficult to resolve.
g.Flextime is being adopted by the firms home and abroad. Other work time concepts are being studied and various experiments are being conducted. The D-day week, the shorter week (less than the so-called American D0-hour standard), and the seven-day service week (already used in retailing) are examples. Advantages and disadvantages for employers, employees, the clientele, and the general public need to be evaluated. In any event, motivational implications for the employees are among the important matters receiving major attention.
答案解析:[解析] flextime弹性时间。multiple approaches多种方式、方法。clientele顾客,客户,委托人。traffic congestion交通拥塞。work load工作量,
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B. 绕组线
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A. 0.2
B. 0.3
C. 0.5
D. 1.0
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A. 商品货币关系
B. 货币执行支付手段职能
C. 生产资料的私有制
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B. 控制
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