第21题: [多项选择]下面关于我国税收立法的公平原则的说法中,错误的有()。 A. 负担能力大的应多纳税,负担能力小的应少纳税或不纳税 B. 客观环境优越而取得超额收人或级差收益者应多纳税,反之少纳税 C. 不同地区、不同行业间及多种经济成分之间的实际税负必须公平 D. 这个公平是一个相对公平的概念 参考答案:A, C
第25题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 21 are bused on the conversation you have just heard. A. It is used too much. B. It is more necessary than E-mail. C. It is very convenient. D. It has more problems than benefits. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] 19-21 M: I was just reading this article about the wonders of the ancient world. A lot of
第30题: [单项选择]患儿男,6个月,因“反复患肺炎、腹泻5个月”来诊。足月出生,生后接种卡介苗。查体:消瘦,卡介苗接种处仍未痊愈;肺部细湿性啰音;肝、脾轻度大。临床治疗控制感染效果不佳,给予输血支持治疗及更换抗生素治疗后,第6天出现猩红热样皮疹,肝、脾大明显,肝功能异常并出现黄疸,迅速死亡。本例患者最可能的原发病是() A. 先天感染 B. 结核病 C. 体液免疫缺陷病 D. 细胞免疫缺陷病 E. 肺炎 参考答案:D
第34题: [单项选择]By age 7 months, an infant most likely will develop which of the following motor skill A. Walk with one hand held. B. Eat successfully with a spoon. C. Stand while holding onto furniture. D. Sit alone using the hands for support. 参考答案:D 答案解析:By age 6 months, an infant can sit alone, leaning forward on the hands for support. The ability to s