第15题: [单项选择]下列哪种疾病不属于进行性运动功能障碍() A. 少年类风湿关节炎 B. 肌营养不良 C. 胶原血管病 D. 遗传性脊髓性脑萎缩 E. 肢体残缺 参考答案:E
第16题: [判断题] The speaker says that a total of 17 people in China’s Shanxi Province have died from encephalitis B which is an inflammation of the brain that occurs under the age of 18 and is usually infected with mosquitoes. 参考答案:错 答案解析:[听力原文]
A total of 17 people have died from encephalitis B after being bitten by mosquitoes in Yunc