第14题: [多项选择]箱(盘)固定安装要求正确的() A. 配电箱(板)的安装应牢固,其垂直偏差不应大于3mm B. 配电箱底边距地而高度宜为1800mm C. 照明配电板底边距地面高度不宜小于1500mm D. 配电箱(盘、板)的安装位置应正确,部件齐全,箱体开孔合适,切口整齐 E. 暗配式配电箱箱盖紧贴墙面,开闭灵活。接地线经汇流排(接地线端子)连接,无铰接现象,箱体(盘、板)涂料完整 参考答案:A, D, E
A. health and safety are more important than personal freedom B. personal freedom is more important than health and safety C. old people should keep their rooms clean D. one should not take risks dealing with old people 参考答案:A 答案解析:推理题。根据第一段的最后一句,一些社工是这样看的:“…think we are in danger of carrying this concept of personal freedom to th