[单项选择]Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. According to the speaker, which of the following are important in the process of doing Yoga A. Concentration and breathing. B. Meditation and comfort. C. Breathing and moving smoothly. D. Flexibility and breathing.
第7题: [多项选择]下列关于透皮贴剂的叙述,正确的有()。 A. 用前将需贴敷的部位洗净并稍晾干 B. 为了促进吸收,可以热敷 C. 不要贴在皮肤的皱褶处 D. 应贴于皮肤破损、溃烂或红肿部位 E. 每日更换1次或遵医嘱 参考答案:A, C, E 答案解析:本题考查要点是“使用透皮贴剂的注意事项”。使用透皮贴剂时宜注意:①用前将所要贴敷部位的皮肤清洗干净,并稍稍晾干。②从包装内取出贴片,揭去附着的薄膜,但不要触及含药部位。③贴于无毛发或是刮净毛发的皮肤上