第14题: [单项选择]A. He had to search for appropriate business for his companY. B. He was inspired by the inconvenient use of emails at work. C. He took on the task of designing new products for Apple. D. He tried to satisfy the different needs of their customers. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] Q: How did Jack Smith get the idea for Hotmail
第24题: [单项选择]下列出口货物中,适用于增值税免税但不退税政策的是( )。 A. 外贸企业自营出口的货物 B. 小规模生产企业出口自产货物 C. 生产企业出口自产货物 D. 禁止出口的货物 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 本题考核增值税免税但不退税的规定。D选项适用于不免税也不退税的政策; A、C适用于免税并退税政策。