第21题: [多项选择]依照《法官法》,法官不得有下列哪些行为( ) A. 隐瞒证据或者伪造证据 B. 向上级法院反映自己不同于审判委员会意见的经手案件的看法 C. 利用职权为他人谋取私利 D. 拖延办案,贻误工作 参考答案:A,C,D 答案解析:本题涉及法官的纪律。《法官法》第32条法官不得有下列行为:(一)散布有损国家声誉的言论,参加非法组织,参加旨在反对国家的集会、游行、示威等活动,参加罢工;(二)贪污受贿;(三)徇私枉法;(四)刑讯逼供
第30题: [简答题]假设你在上班的路上(或公交车上)发现小偷正在偷别人的钱。描写这个事件的过程。 参考答案:
One Monday morning around nine o’clock in the bus on my way to the company, I happened to see a young man strangely sticking together with a lady. I felt curious and couldn’t help looking at him again. Suddenly I realized that he was stealing! At the very moment two men rushed to him and grasped his hand with a purse in it. It was too fast for most of us to see what was happening. The bus driver told us they were policemen after they got off the bus.