第19题: [单项选择] Henry Durant put forward the idea because he A. had once fought in a war in Italy. B. had been wounded in a war. C. had assisted in treating the wounded. D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war. 参考答案:D 答案解析:文章提至到“...was based on the idea by a Swiss businessman called Henry Durant.He had witnessed the heavy
第34题: [多项选择]下列对利率和利息理解正确的有( )。 A. 利率和利息是国家宏观经济管理的重要杠杆 B. 利率和利息是以信用方式筹集资金的动力 C. 利率是资金的增值和投入资金的价值之比 D. 利息是衡量资金增值额的基本单位 E. 利率是一定时期运用资金这一经济资源的交易价格 参考答案:A,B,C,E 答案解析:[解析] 利率就是在单位时间内所得利息额(即资金的增值额)与原借贷金额(即投入资金)之比,通常用百分数表示;在借贷过程中,债务人支付给债权人超过原借贷金额的部分就是利息。利息和利率是以信用方式动员和筹