第2题: [单项选择]Where are the tickets now A. In the man’s jacket. B. In the woman’s hand. C. In their hom 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] F: Are you sure that you have got the tickets in your pocket M: Oh, I’m sorry. They ar
第4题: [单项选择]患儿男,9岁。水肿、血尿10天,进行性少尿8天,10天前晨起发现双眼睑水肿,尿色发红。8天前尿色变浅,但尿量进行性减少,查体:体温36.9℃,呼吸24次/分,血压145/80mmHg,发育正常,营养中等,重病容,精神差,结膜稍苍白,巩膜无黄染。化验尿蛋白(++)、镜检白细胞(+)/HP、红细胞(++)/HP,补体C30.48g/L,AS0:800U/L。“少尿”是指24小时尿量少于() A. 17ml B. 100ml C. 400ml D. 500ml E. 800ml 参考答案:C