第11题: [单项选择]正气不足,邪气亢盛,其形成的是() A. 实证 B. 虚证 C. 虚实夹杂证 D. 真虚假实证 E. 真实假虚证 参考答案:C
第12题: [单项选择]克罗恩病的好发部位是:() A. 末段回肠和右半结肠 B. 乙状结肠 C. 左半结肠 D. 空肠 E. 横结肠 参考答案:A
第13题: [单项选择]When will the exam take place A. It will be easy to understand. B. Students will be tested on all the material discussed in class. C. It will cover topics from a wide variety of academic fields. 参考答案:B