第2题: [单项选择]John budgeted 50% of his take-home pay for household expense, 20% for transportation, 15% for a retirement fund, and the remaining $240 for recreation. How much of his take home pay did he budget for household expenses ?() A. $500 B. $800 C. $1,000 D. $1,200 E. $240 参考答案:B
第10题: [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》,设区的某市发改委组织编制该市高新技术产业规划,该市人民政府在审批专项规划草案,做出决策前,应当先由()指定的环境保护行政主管部门或者其他部门召集有关部门代表和专家组成审查小组,对环境影响报告书进行审查。 A. 该市发改委 B. 该市的上级人民政府 C. 该市人民政府 D. 该市的上级环境保护行政主管部门 参考答案:B 答案解析:根据《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》第十八条的规定,建设项目的环境影响评价,应当避免与规划的环境影响评价相重复。作为一项整体建设项目的规划,按照建设项目进行环境影响评价,不进行规划的环境影响评价。
A. how well they could do in athletics B. what their health condition was like C. what kind of fitness center was suitable for them D. whether they were fit for aerobic exercise 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 事实细节题。根据第二段第一句“Historically,most physical-fitness tests have usually included measures of muscu
第29题: [单项选择]对于车辆送修的规定,以下哪种说法不正确( )。 A. 车辆送修时,应具备行驶功能 B. 车辆送修时,承修单位和送修单位应签订合同 C. 车辆送修时,装备可任意拆换 D. 车辆送修时,应将车辆的有关技术档案送承修单位 参考答案:C