第5题: [单项选择]符合硅结节的描述是 A. 早期是纤维结节 B. 不发生坏死 C. 属肉芽肿病变 D. 具有病理诊断意义 E. 不含免疫球蛋白 参考答案:D
第6题: [填空题]It is unnecessary to turn on the VTR while tuning the TV set to the Video Playback Channel. 参考答案:N 答案解析:这是关于tuning the TV set to the Video Playback Channel的表述,故可定位于该标题下的内容。根据(1)中的第2点:“Press the VTR ON/OFF
第28题: [单项选择]________ was the most interesting feature of the Oxford English Dictionary. A. A complete list of difficult words B. Containing sentences that showed how each word was actually used C. A 20-volume work D. Showing word histories 参考答案:D
第29题: [单项选择]在前瞻性队列研究中易发生() A. 入院率偏倚 B. 存活病例偏倚 C. 回忆偏倚 D. 无应答偏倚 E. 失访偏倚 参考答案:E