A. she had a lamp in her room B. she worked under the lamp C. she brought with herself a lamp to see the soldiers at night D. she gave small lamps to the wounded soldiers 参考答案:C 答案解析:文章说士兵们称Florence为“Lady with the lamp”,是因为文章中第三段说到的“她整天在工作,每晚她都要提着灯到医院去转一转,看看伤病员”。从上述信息看,应是C。
A. 执行文件图标变成熊猫烧香 B. 用户信息被泄露 C. 系统运行变慢 D. 破坏计算机主板 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 熊猫烧香是一种感染型的蠕虫病毒,它能感染系统中exe、com、pif、src、html、asp等文件,还能终止大量的反病毒软件进程,并且会删除扩展名为gho的文件,该文件是系统备份工具GHO