第1题: [单项选择]女性,34岁,因原发性甲亢行甲状腺双侧次全切除术。有关术中操作,正确的是 A. 结扎切断甲状腺上动脉要远离甲状腺上极 B. 结扎切断甲状腺下动脉要靠近甲状腺背面 C. 切除腺体的70%~80% D. 止血后不必放引流 E. 须保留腺体的背面部分 参考答案:E 答案解析:结扎切断甲状腺上动脉要靠近甲状腺上极以免损伤喉上神经,结扎切断甲状腺下动脉要尽量离开甲状腺背面,以免损伤喉返神经,应切除腺体的80%~90%,术后常规放置引流,预防积血压迫气管,而且须保留腺体的背面部
第10题: [单项选择]A. She thought it was especially quiet in the morning. B. She liked it very much because it was quiet. C. She was impressed by the quietness in the evening there. D. She expected it to be a noisy place. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] M: Could you tell us something about your first impression of the town when you arrived
第27题: [多项选择]对断层的研究是必不可少的,如()。 A. 断层描述 B. 构造体描述 C. 连通性研究 D. 断层密封性研究 参考答案:B, D
第28题: [多项选择]The Western people are inductive thinkers who reason (). A. from the particular to the general B. from the whole to parts C. from the small to the big D. from the abstract to the specific 参考答案:A, C