第1题: [单项选择]What does the speaker want to tell his listeners A. Things that are considered valuable by everybody. B. Things that can be used by everybody. C. Things that may be found easily. 参考答案:A
第3题: [单项选择]修筑谷坊、塘、坡、植树造林以及改造坡地为梯田,在流域面积上控制径流和泥沙,不使其流失,并进入河槽。这是防洪措施中的( )。 A. 水土保持 B. 修筑堤防 C. 水库蓄洪和滞洪 D. 整治河道 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题的考点是城市防洪防涝对策。主要防洪对策有以蓄为主和以排为主两种。 (1) 以蓄为主的防洪措施:①水土保持。修筑谷坊、塘、坡、植树造林以及改造坡地为梯田,在流域面积上控制径流和泥沙,不使其
第10题:[单选题] A fiber towing hawser is readied for service by ______. A.Spooling it on a winch cathead B.Coiling it in a counterclockwise direction on the fantail C.Faking it on deck in a fore and aft direction D.Spooling it on a reel lying on its side to prevent rolling 参考答案:C 【参考译文】纤维拖缆在甲板上首尾向盘好以备用。 【解 析】fiber纤维 towing hawser拖缆 fake盘(绳) winch cathead绞盘架reel卷筒