第3题: [单项选择]How were Frank and I connected A. My grandmother and his grandmother were sisters. B. We were first cousins once removed. C. We were second cousins once removed. D. My great-grandmother and his great-grandmother were sisters. 参考答案:C 答案解析:细节信息。题干:我而后弗兰克是如何联系在一起的 根据原文“My great-grandmother and his grandmother were sisters,making us second
第30题: [单项选择]小儿推拿的摩法要求频率为每分钟() A. 60~90次 B. 200~300次 C. 160~200次 D. 120~160次 参考答案:D
第31题: [单项选择]下列有关水泥混凝土抗折强度实验检测说法正确的是( )。 A. 水泥混凝土抗折强度试件采用的是150mm×150mm×550mm的梁形试件 B. 水泥混凝土抗折强度试件采用的是边长为150mm的正立方体为标准试件 C. 水泥混凝土抗折强度试件都是高:直径=1:1的圆柱体试件 D. 水泥混凝土抗折强度试件采用的是边长为70.7mm的正立方体为标准试件 参考答案:A