第2题: [多项选择]Controlling the discussion 掌控讨论 Analyzing your competitors 分析自己的竞争对手 参考答案:a.Technology Is their technology the same as ours Is it as good as ours Is it reliable Exactly how unreliable is it Will it affect their sales b.Marketing strategy What have you found out about their marketing strategy What about their marketing strategy c.Packaging What do you think of their packaging d.Advertising When is the advertising campaign scheduled Have they scheduled a TV advertising campaign e.Advertising budget Have you heard what they are spending on advertising What are they spending on advertising f.Selling price What is the selling price g.Production What’s their unit cost What will it cost to produce Will they produce E0,000,000 Or more How many units will they produce
第3题: [单项选择]信用奖罚机制包括信用奖励和()。 A. 诚信处罚 B. 信用惩罚 C. 道德惩罚 D. 法律惩罚 参考答案:B
A. refute a common misconception B. provide support for a hypothesis C. suggest a solution to a dilemma D. reconcile opposing viewpoints 参考答案:B 答案解析:主旨大意题。本文是以处女地传染病为题材,主要是为了说明人类学家通过研究发现,处女地传染病对世界人口的下降有重要的影响,为了证实他们的观点是正确的,这篇文章给了充分的例证,所以本文主要关注的就是给他们自
第20题: [单项选择]根据行政法原则,下列关于行政机关的职权说法哪项是正确的?() A. 行政机关的职权,相对于行政相对方面而言是一种义务 B. 行政机关的职权,相对于行政法律关系客体而言是一种义务 C. 行政机关的职权,相对于行政相对方面而言是一种权利 D. 行政机关的职权,相对于行政法律关系客体而言是一种权利 参考答案:C