第5题: [单项选择]Charter-party usually contains a clause states that payment must be made in cash without discount every 30 days in advance,and that in default of payment the shipowners have the right to()the vessel from the Charterers service. A. send B. withdraw C. let go D. take off 参考答案:B
第35题: [单项选择]已知某种商品的需求价格弹性系数是0.5,当价格为每台322元时,其销售量为1000台,如果这种商品价格下降10%,在其他因素不变的条件下,其销售量是()台。 A. 1050 B. 950 C. 1000 D. 1100 参考答案:A 答案解析:由题意知,需求价格弹性系数0.5=需求量变动率/价格变动率10%,可得需求量变动率为5%,即销售量增加了5%。原来销售量为IOOO元,提高5%后,销售量=1OOO×(1+5%)=1050(台)。