第8题: [单项选择]The salary of an engineer is much higher______. A. than a teacher B. than that of a teacher C. in comparison with a teacher’s D. than of a teacher’s 参考答案:B 答案解析:that替代的是不可数名词salary。
第17题: [单项选择]The predominant idea of today is that A. information should be free in cyberspace. B. content on the Web should be paid for. C. the laws of economics are not applicable to cyberspace. D. the laws of economics are as outdated as the laws of gravity. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 第二段第一句提到,今天占统治地位的看法是,与引力定律在太空中不起作用不一样,经济学定律在电脑空间中毕竟还没有被废除。这句话在本段下文进行了具体说明。
第24题: [单项选择]根据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,下列违反治安管理的行为中可以适用警告的是()。 A. 违反国家有关规定制造、买卖、存储、运输、邮寄、携带爆炸性、毒害性、放射性、腐蚀性物质和传染病病原体等危险物质 B. 盗窃、损毁油气管道、设施 C. 非法携带枪支、弹药或者弩、匕首等国家规定的管制器具 D. 散布谣言,谎报险情、疫情、警情 参考答案:C