第3题: [单项选择]Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. When there are more than twelve people. B. When there are five people. C. When there are fifteen people. D. When there are more than fifteen people. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] When will the school arrange special trips
第8题: [单项选择]患者男性,24岁,右下后牙区胀痛进食吞咽时加重4天,1天前出现局部自发性跳痛,张口受限。查右面颊部、下颌角区轻度肿胀,张口度二指,垂直低位阻生,表面牙龈红肿,新形成的龈袋内溢胀,咽侧壁稍充血、无明显压痛 此患者如出现明显张口受限、以下颌角为中心出现肿胀、压痛,此时应考虑出现了 A. 颊间隙感染 B. 咬肌间隙感染 C. 腮腺区淋巴结 D. 颌下间隙感染 E. 翼颌间隙感染 参考答案:B