A. she is member of the Commonwealth B. she has a population of just 100-odd people C. she gets help from India D. she has properly built schools 参考答案:A 答案解析:根据原文第二段But throughout the world there are other countries which,by their association with the Common
第38题: [多项选择]税务机关干部张某向个体工商户李某征税,李某要求减免,张某拒不同意,李某便对其妻说:"你去找张某,不惜一切手段把减免税这件事办成。"李某之妻便找到张某,与张某发生了性关系。几天后,张某仍旧要求李某纳税,李便说:"五天之内你要么批准我的免税申请,要么拿一万块钱出来,否则我就到公安机关报案。"五天后,张某仍前来催缴税款,李某便向当地公安机关控告张某强奸其妻。李某的行为构成______。 A. 行贿罪 B. 引诱妇女卖淫罪 C. 敲诈勒索罪 D. 诬告陷害罪 参考答案:C,D 答案解析:参见《刑法》第274条、第243条。