第9题: [单项选择]正常体液中酸(H+)的主要来源是 A. 食物摄入的酸 B. 糖代谢产生的甘油酸、丙酮酸、乳酸 C. 蛋白分解代谢产生的硫酸、磷酸和尿酸 D. 代谢过程中产生的碳酸 E. 脂肪代谢产生的β-羟丁酸和乙酰乙酸 参考答案:D 答案解析: 糖、脂肪和蛋白质氧化分解的最终产物是CO2,CO2与H2O结合生成
第26题: [简答题]你(Li Yuan)听说你的好朋友(Mike)通过了考试,可以上大学了。发一封电子邮件表示祝 贺。邮件的内容如下: (1)表示祝贺; (2)祝贺的方式。 参考答案:
Dear Mike,
Congratulations! I just heard that you passed the exams. How great you are! You set an example for us—we can pass it! But I know how hard you studied and how many difficulties you conquered. Now you are on the way to the university. I admire you.
We three (you have to guess who the other two are) decided to have a small party for you to celebrate your success. It is an important turning point of your life, we believe. So we must do this. Will you be free this Sunday afternoon Let’s meet at the same place and the same time as we usually do. Call me if you want to make it another time.
Congratulations again.
第28题:[多选题]实行自助加油后,加油站员工的服务职能有很大改变,具体表现为( )。 A. 由传统的加油服务转变为加油指导 B. 服务重点转向加油站便利店业务 C. 服务过程中应加强现场巡查,必须提高突发情况处置能力 D. 服务过程中员工应主动帮助顾客开油箱盖,必要时应主动帮助顾客加注油品 参考答案:ABC