第7题:[单选题]以下叙述错误的是: A. 机体与环境之间的气体交换过程称为呼吸 B. 呼吸由外呼吸、气体在血液中的运输、内呼吸组成 C. 生理条件下,胸膜腔内压均高于大气压 D. 胸膜腔负压可以维持肺扩张、有利于静脉血和淋巴液的回流 E. 机体在新陈代谢中需要不断的吸入氧气、排出二氧化碳 二、肺通气的阻力 参考答案:C
第33题: [单项选择]Questions 11-13 are based on the following monologue introducing the Curies. You ,now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11-13.When were the first x-rays discovered | A. A] In 1894. B. B] In 1895. C. C] In 1904. D. D] In 1911. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]11-13 Karl Wilhelm Rontgen (1845—1923) astounded people with the first x-rays in 1895;