第3题: [单项选择]运行图中的垂直线表示()。 A. 时间 B. 车站中心线 C. 距离 D. 车站 参考答案:A
第4题: [单项选择]Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. He doesn’t like that kind of food. B. The woman can do some cooking herself. C. He doesn’t intend to buy them. D. The woman should stop looking at him. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Shouldn’t someone go to the supermarket to select some bread with the words "iron-added
第7题: [多项选择]患者,男,58岁,发现左上颈部包块4个月。体检:左侧胸锁乳突肌前缘舌骨平面可扪及约2cm×3cm包块,质硬,活动度差,无压痛。在颈清扫手术后第2天,患者出现左锁骨上窝肿胀、引流管引流出大量淡白色液体,可以怎样处理() A. 打开切口冲洗术腔,置引流条 B. 局部加压包扎 C. 打开切口,寻找胸导管并结扎 D. 小剂量放疗照射 E. 限制饮食,静脉营养支持 F. 持续负压引流 参考答案:B, C, E, F