[单项选择]The speed of communications today, as opposed to ______, has greatly altered the manner in which business is conducted. A. one of yesterday B. those of yesterday C. that of yesterday D. the ones of yesterday
参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] as opposed to that of yesterday与昨天的相对比,that是代词,代替前面刚提到过的名词(特指),相当于the+名词,以避免重复,此处的that代表前面的the
第35题: [单项选择]被犬咬伤右小腿,伤口深,咬伤面积大,在当地行伤口缝合。此时对伤口最好的处理方法是() A. 伤口已缝合,不必再处理 B. 对伤口表面用碘伏、乙醇消毒 C. 切开伤口,用肥皂水冲洗后再缝合 D. 切开伤口,用肥皂水冲洗,碘伏、乙醇消毒 E. 切开伤口,用肥皂水冲洗,碘伏、乙醇消毒,免疫球蛋白浸润注射 参考答案:E