[单项选择]Watching films of what hatred (turned) those people (into) made me choose to reject it, to deal with people (individual) and not to spot (all whites) with the Same obscene images. A. turned B. into C. individual D. all whites
第2题: [单项选择]According to the passage, Bob Nadkami is ______ A. a Brazilian who has come back from Britain. B. a British man who visits Rio for the carnival. C. a British man who has come to live in Brazil. D. a Brazilian who is attracted by the carnival. 参考答案:C 答案解析:第三段的第一句提到了Bob Nadkami是英国人,这就排除了A和D。该句还说到此人是因为喜欢狂欢节来到巴西并在里约热内卢定居,并不是来玩一玩的,这就排除了B。
第24题:[多选题] 张甲与李甲系单位同事,某日双方在工作因琐事发生矛盾,经 单位领导和同事劝说后平息。事后张甲感到自己吃亏,心里感到气,就打电话纠集朋友王甲、张乙、王乙,在李甲下班途中殴打李甲,造成李甲轻微伤。下列说法中正确的有( ) A. 因张甲雇凶伤害李甲,不适用调解 B. 因李甲不愿意调解处理,不适用调解 C. 王甲曾多次违法受到治安处罚,不适用调解 D. 双方系同事之间因琐事发生纠纷引起的殴打他人,应当适用调解 参考答案:ABC