第20题: [单项选择]Conversation One A. He dropped out of high school. B. He has some post-secondary education. C. He has a college degree. D. He was deprived of the right to go to school. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] What do we learn from the conversation about the man’s educational background
第36题:[多选题] 下列人员的行为构成宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义犯罪的有( )。 A. 大学教授甲经常在讲课中宣扬恐怖主义情节较重 B. 记者乙多次在微博上发布宣扬极端主义的信息情节较重 C. 宗教工作人员丙制作、散发宣扬极端主义的资料情节较重 D. 无业人员丁通过手机短信大量散发宣扬极端主义的音频、视频情节较重 参考答案:ABCD