第9题: [单项选择]Who’s going to be in charge of the party 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: Alice, do you know who’s going to be in charge of the party, Mary or Jane
F: Neither Ma
第10题: [单项选择]患者,女,26岁。婚后2周突发畏寒,高热,尿频,尿痛。捡查:肾区有叩击痛。尿镜检白细胞增多,并见白细胞管型,尿细菌培养阳性。其诊断是() A. 急性肾盂肾炎 B. 急性膀胱炎 C. 急性肾炎 D. 慢性肾炎 E. 肾结石 参考答案:A 答案解析:患者婚后2周起病,发病急,考虑是性生活引起尿道黏膜损伤或刺激后,细菌上行感染引起,排除慢性病的可能,排除D。尿镜检见白细胞管型,可与膀胱炎相鉴别,排除B。患者无血尿、蛋白尿、水肿、高血压等症状,可与急
第23题: [单项选择]Clients are invited to write______ call for additional information. A. (A) but B. (B) or C. (C) not D. (D) either 参考答案:B 答案解析:Or indicates a choice between items. Choice (A) indicates a contrast between items. Choice (C) is a