第10题: [单项选择]点状包体在钻石内部特征中是()的类型。 A. 单列 B. 归入在深色包体 C. 归入在浅色包体 D. 归入在云状物 参考答案:A
第11题: [多项选择]张某欲为其62岁的母亲和8岁的女儿投保意外伤害保险。为此,他向保险公司详细询问了有关意外伤害保险的具体条件,也如实地回答了保险公司的提问。请回答下面问题。 在张某为其母亲投的意外伤害保险中,下列关于受益人的表述正确的是: A. 张某的母亲可以成为受益人 B. 张某的母亲有权指定受益人 C. 张某有权指定受益人,但需征得其母亲的同意 D. 该保险中可以不指定受益人 参考答案:A,B,C,D 答案解析:[考点] 人身保险合同的概念和特点 [解析] 《保险法》第53条规定:“投保人对下列人员具有保险利益:(一)本人; (二)配偶、子女、父母;(三)前项以外与投保人有抚养、赡养或者扶养关系的家庭其
第12题:[单选题] 下列哪项是建立社区健康档案的内容 A. 个人健康记录和定期体检结果 B. 个人健康档案、家庭健康档案和社区健康档案 C. 家庭主要疾病 D. 人群健康状况 E. 社区健康状况 参考答案:B
第16题: [单项选择]特异危险度是指 A. 暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发病率或死亡率之比 B. 暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发病率或死亡率之差 C. 暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发病率或死亡率之积 D. 暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发病率或死亡率之和 E. 暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发病率或死亡率的平方 参考答案:B 答案解析:特异危险度,又叫归因危险度、率差,是指暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发病率或死亡率之差,反映发病或死亡危险特异地归因于暴露因素的程度。此题备选答案中的干扰项是A暴露组的发病率或死亡率与未暴露组的发
第21题: [简答题]Good management can help the organization achieve its desired results.This is particularly true of the management of an organization full of scientists and research workers.What is your idea about a good management or a good manager of such a group of people 参考答案:[参考范文] Good Management Can Help the Organization Achieve Its Desired Results Nowadays,people are increasingly aware of the importance of good management in various fields.Good management is essential for an organization to achieve its expectant resuits. As far as I am concerned,there are several aspects that need to be considered with respect to management.First of all,the manager should avoid simple and rather straightforward approaches when communicating with his staff,because the staff are usually learned and highly educated with their own independent thinking.If the manager wants to solve problems,he must know what the researchers are doing,thinking and talking about.Secondly,the manager must show his sincerity whenever discussing something with his staff,because they are sensitive to the way that they are treated. All the discussion above indicates that a good manager should do his best to create a harmonious working environment and offer the best living conditions to his staff.
第32题: [单项选择]系统性红斑狼疮气营热盛证的治法是 A. 清热解毒,凉血化斑 B. 养阴清热 C. 清热凉血,活血散瘀 D. 益气养血 E. 疏肝清热,凉血活血 参考答案:A 答案解析:系统性红斑狼疮气营热盛证的治法是清热解毒,凉血化斑。
[考点] 系统性红斑狼疮的治法。
第33题: [单项选择]如果某国采取贸易配额来解决长期的贸易逆差,最有可能出现的结果是: A. 失业率和生产率上升。 B. 失业率上升,生产率下降。 C. 失业率下降,生产率上升。 D. 失业率和生产率下降。 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] A.不正确,采用贸易配额的方法,国内的工作职位将保留下来,因此失业率会下降;同时,由于那些生产效率低(低于外国竞争者的生产效率)的工作职位也保留下来,该行业的整体生产率随之下降。