第16题: [单项选择]患儿,女,4岁。全身重度凹陷性水肿2周,以颜面及下肢阴囊为明显,近3天来,水肿加重,少尿,脸色苍白,疲倦厌食。体格检查:两肺中下野呼吸音减弱;叩诊呈浊音,语颤消失,腹水征(++),尿蛋白(++++)。该患儿最可能的诊断是() A. 肾病综合征并发肺炎 B. 肾病综合征并发心力衰竭 C. 肾病综合征并发腹膜炎 D. 肾病综合征并发胸水、腹水 E. 单纯性肾病综合征 参考答案:E
第17题: [单项选择]What time is it now A. The woman followed the man’s advice. B. The woman is wearing long hair now. C. The man didn’t want the woman to have her hair cut. D. The man showed indifference to the woman’s hair. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] W: I wish my hair were longer. M: Yes, what a pity you had it cut. If only you’d listen