第5题: [单项选择]上世纪美国宇航员在月球表面上留下美国国旗,在国际法上( )。 A. 具有发现的初步权利 B. 可作为主权的宣告 C. 不得依此主张任何对月球的主权要求 D. 构成国际法中的先占 参考答案:C 答案解析:外层空间活动的原则之一是不得据为已有原则,即外层空间包括月球和其他天体,不得为国家、政府、个人或法人以各种形式占有。故各国现在探索月球及其他天体的行为,包括其行动所留下的标志,在国际法上不得依此主张任
What did Tiensuu and his classmates do in order to buy some acres of trees A. They asked their parents to donate money. B. They collected funds by selling something. C. They appealed to the Swedish government for support. D. They used their pocket money. 参考答案:B