第10题: [单项选择]某基层人民法院在审理一起合同纠纷时,认定被告应赔偿原告损失25673元,但在判决书中误将该数写成25763元。现判决书已向双方当事人送达。在此情况下,该法院应()。 A. 制作一份裁定书,说明原判决书中的失误 B. 以决定书的形式纠正原判决书中的失误 C. 以通知书的形式告知双方当事人原判决书中的失误 D. 重新制作一份判决书,再次向双方当事人送达并收回原判决书 参考答案:A
第11题:[多选题]定员管理的过程包括( )。 A.准备阶段 B.资料收集阶段 C. 定员阶段 D.反馈阶段 E.定员方案执行阶段 参考答案:ACE
第16题: [单项选择]证券兼营机构从事证券自营业务,对其资金的限制是( )。 A. 具有不低于5000万元人民币的净资本和不低于1亿元人民币的注册资本 B. 具有不低于2000万元人民币的净资本和不低于2亿元人民币的注册资本 C. 具有不低于2000万元人民币的净资本和不低于5亿元人民币的注册资本 D. 具有不低于5000万元人民币的净资本和不低于2亿元人民币的注册资本 参考答案:A 答案解析:证监会明确规定从事证券自营业务的证券公司其注册资本最低限额应达到人民币1亿元,净资本不得低于人民币5000万元。故选A。
Fantastic English Institute is a famous English training institute with its headquarters in Beijing and AE branch centers in China. In order to further develop our institute, we now need one study adviser to work in Shenzhen. This position is responsible for helping students successfully achieve their study objectives. And the qualifications required are as follows:
· Language school graduates of English with a bachelor’s degree
· Excellent command of both spoken and written English
· At least C years of teaching or training experience
· Excellent personal skills as being patient and responsible
· The ability to work independently and as part of a team
Anyone who would like to apply for this position, please send an email attached with your resume to recruitfei@AFC.com.