参考答案:[审题]本文是封申请信。注意申请的理由一定要充分,一般从经济困难着手,体现出申请的必要性。同时注意信中语气要得当。 [写作思路]第一段:说明写信的原因——申请助学贷款。 第二段:说明申请的理由——家里经济困难,交不起学费。 第三段:希望申请得到批准,表达了自己会珍惜贷款机会,不乱花钱、好好学习的决心,并承诺按规定还款。 [范文] A Letter of Application for a School Loan To whom it may concern。 I am writing to you to apply for a school loan. As a freshman from the English Department,I have much financial difficulty in continuing my study. There are five members in my family.My-father is the only breadwinner of the whole family while my mother was laid off two years ago.My grandmother has been suffering a chronic illness for more than five years.My younger brother is now studying in a high middle school.I took part time jobs during the summer vacation .but what I have earned is far from enough for me to pay the required tuition fees.In order to continue my stud y,I have to apply for a school loan. If my request is granted,I will make good use of the money and put my heart into study.[will definitely pay back the loan according to the requirements.I hope that you will consider my application. Looking forward to you to reply. Yours sincerely, Gao Peng
第21题: [单项选择]患者,女,36岁,因下前牙变色1年余就诊。检查:左下中切牙牙冠变色,叩痛(-),电测无反应。开髓后根管内有黄褐色清亮液体溢出。X线片根尖周见大小约1cm×1.2cm透射区,边界清楚,周围有骨白线。该主诉牙应诊断为 A. 慢性根尖肉芽肿 B. 慢性根尖脓肿 C. 根尖周囊肿 D. 牙髓坏死 E. 致密性骨炎 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 从病例中可知道主诉牙为慢性根尖周炎,慢性根尖周炎X线片表现分为4型:根尖肉芽肿、根尖脓肿、根尖周囊肿、致密性骨炎。考生应当掌握4型的X线片区别,再加上黄褐色清亮液体溢出,可明确诊断。
第22题: [单项选择]在直线回归方程Y=a+bX中,回归系数b表示() A. 当X=0时Y的平均值 B. 当Y=0时X的平均值 C. X变动一个单位时Y的变动总量 D. X变动一个单位时Y的平均变动量 E. Y变动一个单位时X的平均变动量 参考答案:D
第23题: [单项选择]以下关于系统分析员的任务及其要求的几个说法中,错误的是哪个 A. 系统分析员不仅是一个技术专家,而且对业务也应该精通 B. 系统分析员只负责信息系统的分析,而不负责系统的设计 C. 系统分析员不仅是项目的分析和设计者,而且还是项目的组织者和领导者 D. 系统分析员是系统开发人员与企业各层管理人员之间的沟通者 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 系统分析员不仅是信息系统的分析和设计者,而且还是系统实施的组织者和领导者。